What is Sustainability Science? A Text Analysis Approach to the Field’s Semantic Structure


In the Climate Crisis era, sustainability science has emerged as a key response to societal unsustainability, serving as the lingua franca for transdisciplinary approaches across various fields. This presentation explores sustainability science over three decades of scientific production. We investigate the scientific network and language usage of sustainability science using secondary data and topic modeling. Key questions include: What are the field’s most important topics? How have these topics evolved over time? Analyzing 2.5 million academic publications, we use supervised and unsupervised text modeling to identify the field’s lexicon and linguistic topology. We also assess disciplinary expertise and publication dates as covariates in a comparative set of structural topic models (STM).


1st Chilean Social Network Conference 2023

Presenters: Julien Van Hulst, Alejandro Espinosa-Rada, Patricio Padilla, Roberto Velázquez-Quiroz, & Roberto Cantillan

Location: Santiago, Chile